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Kabj Ke 125 Gharelu ilaj 1.5
Viss Peram
The content of the app is in Hindi language. Users can share thisapp to the social networking application such as whatsapp, line,hike etc. Application has 125 home remedies and health tips forconstipation. It has also life style tips to avoid constipation.Few home remedies of this app have been given below Taking fiberand green vegetables in food. Take hot milk at night. Take oneteaspoon lemon juice mixed with one glass hot water. Honey is goodto avoid constipation. Taking 2 to 3 glass water immediately aftergetting up in the morning.
Chehra gora karne ke upay 1.9
Viss Peram
App has home remedies and simple tips to get clear glowing skinnaturally. Tips and home remedies are in Hindi language. Some homeremedies and skin care tips of this app are: Nutritious, Fiber RichDiet. Drink sufficient amount of Water. Avoid the Sun. Lemon: Lemonis one of the best ingredients that you can use to promote clearskin. Turmeric: Turmeric is an excellent antiseptic andskin-lightening agent. Honey: To enjoy clear skin, your need tokeep your skin well moisturized. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has manybenefits for the skin.
Kil muhaso ke gharelu upay 1.5
Viss Peram
This app has home remedies or "Gharelu Upay" to treat black spots,dark spots, acne marks, Pimple scars on the face. These homeremedies are easy to make and use. These remedies also take care ofskin and help to glow the skin. Some of the home remedies of thisapp to cure pimple and acne are: Drink sufficient amount of water.Eat tomato and use tomato juice on pimple to get rid of pimple andacne marks. Scrub the rind of lemon on neck to get rid of dullcolor of neck. Use Rouge of curd on face for pimples and to glowskin.
Acidity ke 105 Gharelu Nuskhe 1.0
Viss Peram
This application has life style tips andhomeremedies for stomach acidity.It has the description of food, fruits and vegetables thatarebeneficial to cure acidity.It has also simple life style tips to prevent acidity.Few home remedies and tips of this app are:Cold milk prevents acid.Mint leaves or "pudina" helps to reduce the pain andburningassociated with acid reflux.Buttermilk contains lactic acid that normalizes the acidity inthestomach.Bananas keeps the level of acid production in your stomachinbalance.Basil leaves or "Tulsi" helps to reduce the amount of acidinstomach.
Triphala se rogo ka upchar 1.0
Viss Peram
Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbalrasayanaformula consisting of equal parts of three myrobalans,takenwithout seed: Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki(Terminaliabellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula).Triphala is useful in so many health conditions. It one ofthecommonly used ayurvedic herbs. It is a multipurposeayurvedichealth supplement, then Triphala is best for you.Ayurvedausestriphala to support healthy respiratory, cardiovascular,urinary,reproductive, and nervous systems. Triphala had manybenefits andused in various ways for much different healthconditions.This app has health benefits or Triphala and uses of Triphalainvarious diseases.Triphala is commonly used for:immune system stimulationimprovement of digestionrelief of constipationgastrointestinal tract cleansingrelief of gastreatment of diabetestreatment of eye diseaseSome of the other health benefits of triphala are:Assists natural internal cleansingGently maintains regularityNourishes and rejuvenates the tissuesSupports healthy digestion and absorptionNatural antioxidant
Chay ke Nuksaan 1.0
Viss Peram
This app has the history of tea in Indiathatwhen and why it had been come to India.This app has description of all elements of tea.It covers the pros and cons of drinking tea.It tell about the health conditions when tea should be consumedorshould not be taken.It also tells impact of tea on human organs.It describes the effects of tea on working capacity andworkingefficiency of human organs.
Papita ke phayde 1.0
Viss Peram
Papaya is very good for health. Takingpapayaavoid many disease.It is specially beneficial for digestive problems.Some of the advantages of papaya of this app are:It has plenty amount of calcium.It is the good source of is beneficial in digesting protein.It improves the immune system etc.
Dahi ke fayde or nuskhe 1.0
Viss Peram
Curd is always a good remedy for manydiseases.It has has numerous health benefits.Curd or yogurt is a highly nutritious food, which contains loadsofbeauty enhancing goodness too.The content of the app is in Hindi language.This app has benefits, ingredients, types and home remedies ofcurdor yogurt.This app also tells about the diseases in which curd isbeneficialto cure those diseases.Some of the health benefits or curd that this app has:Reduces Dark CirclesConditions HairFights AcneFades Blemishes And PigmentationReduces Hair FallTreats Dandruffgood home remedy for lose motionTreats Skin InfectionsSoothes SunburnsMoisturizes SkinReduces Wrinkles And Fine Lines
Nimn Raktchap ke gharelu ilaj 1.0
Viss Peram
हमारे दिल से सारे शरीर को साफ खून की सप्लाईलगातार होती रहती है।अलग-अलग अंगों को होने वाली यह सप्लाई आर्टरीज (धमनियों) के जरिए होतीहै।ब्लड को प्रेशर से सारे शरीर तक पहुंचाने के लिए दिल लगातार सिकुड़ताऔर वापस नॉर्मल होता रहता हैएक मिनट में आमतौर पर 60 से 70 बार। जब दिल सिकुड़ता है तो खून अधिकतमदबाव के साथ आर्टरीज में जाता है।दरअसल निम्न रक्तचाप में रक्त का प्रवाह बहुत धीमा पड़ जाता हैअर्थात् ऊपर का रक्तचाप सामान्य से घटकर 90 अथवा 100 रह जाए तथा नीचेका रक्चाप 80 से घटकर 60 रह जाए, ऐसी स्थिति को निम्न रक्तचाप कहतेहै। निम्न रक्तचाप में नब्ज धीमी पड़ जाती है, थोड़ा सा परिश्रम करनेपर रोगी थक जाता है।इस एंड्राइड एप्लीकेशन में निम्न रक्तचाप के बारे में जानकारी दीगयी हैनिम्न रक्तचाप के लक्षण, कारण, परहेज़, बचाव और घरेलू नुस्खों के बारेमें जानकारी दी गयी हैकुछ फलो और मेवो के बारे में भी बताया गया है जो की निम्न रक्तचाप मेंलाभकारी है
भोजन करने के महत्वपूर्ण नियम 1.5
Viss Peram
The content of the app is hindi language. There are certain rulesof taking food. If human follows these rules, the chances ofdiseases become less. This app has these rules. Some of the rulesof eat food that, this app has: We should not drink water whileeating. Always eat while sitting. do not eat fruits with dinner orlunch. always eat less than hunger. Daily time of eating should befixed. Taking too fat is harmful for health.
Muli Ke 90 gharelu upchar 1.0
Viss Peram
Radish is a root vegetable that isextremelylow in calories and high in health benefits.It is popularly known as muli in India.This app has introduction, home remedies and health benefitsofradish.This app also has the description of ingredients of radish.Following are the health benefits of Radish. In this app,thesebenefits have been given in detail.Cures Urinary DisordersCombats CancerTreats JaundiceDecreases Respiratory DisordersCures FeverMaintains Liver and Gallbladder HealthHeals PilesControls Blood SugarMaintains Bone HealthImmunity BoosterInduces Good SleepAids in Weight LossEffective in Insect BitesCures Kidney Diseases
वजन बढ़ाने के 147 उपाय 1.5
Viss Peram
This app has diet tips and remedies to gain weight. This app hasfoods that should be consumed to have good weight and also has fooddescription that should be avoided to gain weight. Some of theremedies, food and diet tips that are beneficial in gaining weight.take heavy breakfast. take fatty food with enough quantity ofprotein. do not take junk food, pizza, burger etc. take chapatiwith ghee. eat dry fruits etc.
Sabhi tarah ke bukhar ka ilaj 1.0
Viss Peram
A fever is basically a symptom ofanothercondition or illness. A fever can occur when your body isfightingan infection, such as the flu.A fever is a good thing andusuallywill go away within a few days. But if a fever is makingyouuncomfortable, there are some simple and easy home remedies tocoolthe body down and make you feel better.About this app:In this app home remedies for various kinds of fever havebeengiven.These home remedies are easy to make and these natural remediesmayhelp you keep cool and comfortable.Some of the herbs are given below. with the use of theseherbsnatural home remedies can be made. The description of theseherbshave been given in this app.1. Cool Water2. Basil3. Apple Cider Vinegar4. Garlic5. Raisins6. GingerSome of the home remedies that this app has:1. Add one teaspoon of tulsi leaves to one cup of hot water,steepfor five minutes, and drink three to four times a day. A highfevershould be gone by the next day. Other herbs that canencouragesweating and bring out a fever are peppermint, elderflowers andyarrow.2. Place a slice of raw onion on the bottom of each foot andwrapfeet in a warm blanket.3. Dip a washcloth in a bowl of warm water mixed with a cupofvinegar. Wring it out, and apply to the forehead to treat ahighfever.
दातो का पीलापन - 57 घरेलू उपाय 1.5
Viss Peram
Teeth may gradually become yellow due to hereditary factors, poordental hygiene, or excessive consumption of tea, coffee, tobaccoand cigarettes. The content of the app is in Hindi language. If youwish to get rid of yellow teeth, you can try some natural remedies.There are many kitchen ingredients that you can use to restore yourwhite smile. These app has Ayurveda home remedies and kitcheningredients to get rid of yellow teeth. Some of them are: 1. BakingSoda 2. Orange Peel 3. Strawberries 4. Lemon 5. Salt etc.
आत्मविश्वास बढ़ाने के 117 उपाय 1.15
Viss Peram
Tips to increase self-confidence (atmavishvas badane ke upay).
खून की कमी दूर करने के उपाय 1.4
Viss Peram
The food which has rich amount of iron is always helpful to treatanemia. This app has description of fruits, vegetables and homeremedies which are beneficial in curing anemia. The procedure oftaking these fruits and vegetables has also been given. Some of thefruits and vegetables of this app are: Fresh salad Almonds GuavaApple Grapes Spinach Radish etc.
Nimbu ke 145 gharelu nuskhe 1.5
Viss Peram
Lemon is very useful in many diseases. Lemon is very beneficial inmany diseases like vomit, indigestion, constipation, controllingdysentery, destroying worms in the stomach, clearing out the poisonfrom the body, cough and phlegmatic disease. It is usedpredominantly in digestive disorders. It is used in food, inmedicine and also in purification procedure of metalling Ayurvedicingredient. This application has benefits and uses of lemon invarious diseases. Some of the health benefits of lemon which thisapp has are: useful in treatment of constipation useful intreatment of indigestion. useful in skin problem. useful in losingfat etc.
मोटापे का काल - निम्बू और जीरा 1.5
Viss Peram
इस एंड्राइड एप्प में निम्बू और जीरे की जानकारी दी गयी है निम्बू औरजीरे के प्रयोग बताएं गए है जिनके द्वारा मोटापे और शरीर की अनावश्यकचर्बी को कम किया जा सकता है इसके अतिरिक्त निम्बू और जीरे के अन्यघरेलू नुस्खे भी बताये गए है जो की मोटापे दूर करने के साथ साथ अन्यरोगों को ठीक करने में भी लाभप्रद है
Balo ke rogo ke gharelu nuskhe 1.0
Viss Peram
This app tells the reasons of hair lossandother hair problems including poor diet, poor circulation.This app shows the ways to overcome these hair problems.Ayurveda home remedies and Ayurveda treatment for hair problemshavebeen given in this app.Some of the hair problems are given below.DandruffHair LossDry HairSpit EndsOily/Greasy HairFrizzy HairDull HairHeat Damaged HairColor Damaged HairGray HairHerbal treatment of above health problems have been included inthisapp.
Pet kam karne ke saral upchar 1.10
Viss Peram
App has collection of content in Hindi language. App has home madetips to get rid of belly fat. Some changes in life style can makeit easier to reduce fat. By adopting some good habits can also be agood way to face this health problem. This app contains these goodhabits and life style tips to overcome belly fat problem.
Chashma utarne ke upay 1.5
Viss Peram
Vision problems are quickly becoming a common disease in this dayand age. With an exponential increase in the number of hours wespend in front of a screen, the phenomenon comes as no surprise.Even children are spending more time in front of computer or TVstraining their eyes for no reason. Many people in the world aresuffering from the diseases such as Myopia and Hyperopia; asresulting they are forced to use glasses. This app tells how youcan improve your eyesight naturally. This app has home remedies forimproving eyesight and removal of glasses. Some of the homeremedies and tips for improving eyesight are: 1. Almond and FennelSeeds 2. Triphala Remedy 3. Gooseberry/Amla 4. Bilberry 5. Carrot6. Eyes Exercises 7. Healthy Diet 8. Barefoot Walking Some of thetips to improve eyesight that this app has: Take care of eyes fromdirect sun rays. Keep water in your mouth, when you are wash yourface and water should be spraying on eyes. Take more vitamin Csupplements. Stop smoking and drinking of alcohol. Avoid fried,oily, spicy and fast foods. Avoid stress and stay cool.
Computer GK General Knowledge 1.16
Viss Peram
This app has general knowledge question and answers of all chaptersof computer. Question and answers are given in sets. Each set has10 questions and their answers. The question and answers are basedon the following chapters. introduction of computer basic computerorganization number system computer codes computer arithmeticprocessor and memory input and output devices computer softwareprogramming language operating system etc.
Science GK General Knowledge 1.15
Viss Peram
Science general knowledge question and answers in Hindi language.
चाणक्य के 1000 अनमोल विचार 1.17
Viss Peram
Chanakya ke 1000 anmol vichar (chanakya quotes and thoughts inHindi language).
Adrak Ke 101 Gharelu Nuskhe 1.0
Viss Peram
Ginger is among the healthiest spices ontheplanet.It is loaded with nutrients that have great benefits for yourbodyand brain.Ginger has been used for its medicinal properties forcenturiesamong many cultures.Ginger has a long history of use for treating digestive problems.This app has all main health benefits and uses of gingerinvarious diseases.Some of the health benefits of ginger which this app has, aregivenbelow:Ginger reduces muscle pain and soreness.use of ginger in heart diseasesuse of ginger in digestive disorderit is useful in losing has Anti-tumor properties etc.
Pilia ke gharelu ilaj 1.0
Viss Peram
Jaundice is not a disease but a sign ofanunderlying disease. Alcoholic liver disorder and viralhepatitisare the two most common diseases that result in Jaundice.Thecorrect approach is to cure Jaundice is to treat theunderlyingdisease.This app has home remedies and foods that should be taken tocurejaundice.The following are some natural foods that are effective inJaundice.The description of these natural foods has been given inthisapp.Tomato juiceRadish leavesPapaya leavesSugarcaneBasil leavesGooseberryBarleyLemonPigeon peas leavesAlmondsTurmericIndian aloe Vera leavesBeetroot and lemonChicory plantJaundice berryBananaCarrot juiceThis app also includes that foods that should be avoidedinjaundice.Some of them are given below.Avoid spicy and fried foods.Avoid alcohol, coffee and tea. Drink boiled water andavoidnon-pasteurized milk.Avoid junk and carbohydrate rich foods.Pulses and legumes should be avoided.
Rasoi Ghar ke tips 1.1
Viss Peram
Everybody could save some timeinkitchen.There are so many tips and tricks that will save your time,moneyand your sanity when it comes to cooking, preparing andcleaning inthe kitchen.This app has 111 kitchen tips and tricks.Some of the kitchen tips which this app has, areHow to use kitchen tools in a best wayHow to use the less used things in a proper mannerhow to clean kitchenHow to Prevent Food From StickingHow to cut Roy-Poly Vegetables SafelyHow to Keep Baked Goods FreshHow to cook recipes that are easy to digest
बाल बढ़ाने के 119 घरेलू उपाय 1.5
Viss Peram
This app has home remedies and home made tips for hair growth.There are many remedies from nature that deliver great results.This app brings easy and effective home made tips for hair growth.Some of the home remedies for hair growth that this app has:Coconut oil Lemon juice Potato juice onion paste black peeper etc.
400 ज्ञान की बातें 1.11
Viss Peram
400 gyan ki baate (400 things that are helpful in dealing withcommon probelms).
पथरी का सबसे बढ़िया घरेलू इलाज 1.4
Viss Peram
The content of the app is in Hindi language. This app has homeremedies for kidney stones. This app also has regimen to cure thisdisease. App has diet plan that what should be eaten and not to beeaten to cure this disease. App tells about the reasons of stonesin kidney and also tells about the food that should be taken inthis disease.
Manav Sharir ke rochak tathya 1.5
Viss Peram
The human body is an incredible thing. some facts are hard tobelieve but they are actually happening inside our body. About thisapp: The content of the app is in Hindi language. In this app Wesee many unbelievable facts of human body. These facts includealmost every organ of human body. Some of the human body facts thatthis app has: 1. Human heart beats around 10000 times everyday orabout 30 million times in a year. 2. Human give birth to 200billion red cells everybody. 3. Human skin has 70 kilometers nervein it. 4. Human can live without eating for many weeks but can notlive without sleep for more than 11 days. 5 A health human' braincan produce 20 watt of electricity.
Pani pine ke phayde 1.9
Viss Peram
Water is the major component of the human body. The body iscomposed of between 55 and 78 percent water, depending on bodysize. Sufficient and regular water consumption has various healthbenefits. Water has no extra calories, fat, carbohydrates or sugar.The amount of water we consume everyday plays a vital role inmaintaining a healthy body. Experts recommend drinking eight to 10glasses of water each day to keep good health. The content of theapp is in Hindi language. This app has health benefits of drinkingwater and the rules of drinking water. Some of the health benefitsof drinking water which this app has, are: There is no fat orcalories in water so it is good for losing fat. It makes thedigestion process healthy. Drinking it may help prevent headaches,naturally. It keeps our kidneys working. It protects our joints andcartilage. It powers our cold-weather workouts etc.
Neem Se rogo me upchar 1.0
Viss Peram
Neem is a tree in the mahoganyfamilyMeliaceae.The bark, leaves, and seeds are used to makemedicine.Less frequently, the root, flower, and fruit are alsoused.Neem leaves has been used for ages to treat many skinproblemsand hair loss.The neem has anti-microbial and bloodpurifyingproperties. Neem is a versatile herb and can be used inmanyways.This app has health benefits and uses of neem in varioushealthproblems.This app also has home remedies that are made of neem.Some of uses of neem that this app has, are given below.1. Treats Dandruff2. Treats Skin Problems3. Kills Head Lice4. Maintains Oral Health5. Purifies Blood6. Controls Diabetes7. Prevents Intestinal Worms8. Relieves Arthritis Inflammation9. Fights Nail Problems10. Treats Cancer
लम्बाई बढ़ाने के 85 घरलू उपचार 1.6
Viss Peram
This app has home remedies and exercise tips to become taller. Thisapp also has diet tips and food description that should be consumedto have good height. There are food that should be avoided to lowheight problem. Some of the food remedies and exercise tips of thisapp are: Running in the morning. Taking sound sleep daily. Keep theneck and backbone always straight. Keep the weight in control etc.
ब्रह्माण्ड की उत्पत्ति 1.4
Viss Peram
Brahmand ki utpatti (creation of universe according to Vedas).
Swastha Rahne ke Sutra 1.5
Viss Peram
By following some simple rules in life, many diseases canbeprevented. The content of the app is in Hindi language. Thisapphas life style and health tips to avoid diseases. Few of thehealthtips of this app are: Taking bathe before sun riseimprovesdigestion system. getting up before sun rise is good forhealth. donot take extra amount of oily or acidic food. alwaysconsume lesssalt and less sugar. Take exercise at least for half anhour dailyetc.
E-Shram Card Registration 1.0
Viss Peram
Features of this app :- E-shram Card Registration (ई-श्रमकार्डपंजीकरण ) E-Shram Card Download (ई-श्रम कार्ड डाउनलोड ) Whatise-Shram Card? The Indian government has launched a newprogramcalled the E-SHRAM Portal Scheme for the welfare of workersandworkers in the unorganized sector. The E-SHRAM portal waslaunchedby Pradhan Mantri Narendra Modi. India’s Ministry of LaborandEmployment has launched the E Shramik portal to track andcollectall information and data on workers and workers in theunorganizedsector. E-Shram Card Benefits After registration ate-SHRAM Portal,the unorganised workers receive a digital e-SHRAMcard. They alsoget a Universal Account Number (on eSHRAM Card) thatis acceptableacross the country for obtaining social securitybenefits. If aworker is registered at the e-Shram portal and meetswith anaccident, he/she will be eligible for Rs 2 lakh on deathorpermanent disability and Rs 1 lakh on partial disability.Likewise,Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has announcedthat hisgovernment would provide Rs 500 to all who (resident ofUttarPradesh) register for the e-shram card. Disclaimer :- * Weonlyprovide information to readers and visitors that are availableinfollowing government public domains.*We are not any official partner of the Government or a linkedwithany way with government. We just show their website inourapplication as webview format. * This application is developedforusers to get all helpful and important links, information atonesingle place. * This app is NOT an official app for anyGovernment,neither this app is related to any Governmentdepartment. * Thisapp is not associated or affiliated, directly orindirectly togovernment body, entity, services or person. * Thisapp only actsas an interface. All information is loaded from otherpublicdomain. * We are not taking any money or we are notresponsible forany kind of transaction fail or success or any kindof paymentrelated issue.
PM Kisan Yojana: Status Check 1.1
Viss Peram
PM kisan samman nidhi yojana me apna naam dekhen or register karen.
आवास योजना नई लिस्ट 2022 Awas 1.0
Viss Peram
प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना २०२२-२३ की नई सूची New List of PMAwasyojana 2022-23
Bhumi Jankari Bihar: Khatiyan 1.1
Viss Peram
View detailed land information of Bihar with Khatiyan Bihar.
UP Bhu naksha: Bhulekh naksha 1.2
Viss Peram
Check land related information or Bhu naksha of uttar pradesh.
Jan Soochna Portal 1.2
Viss Peram
Jan Soochna Portal has complete details about schemes andservicesof Rajasthan.
UP Light Bill: Electricity bil 1.2
Viss Peram
Check Bijli bill or Light bill of Uttar Pradesh in an easy way.
North Bihar Electricity Bill 1.3
Viss Peram
Get information related to Bijli bill or Light bill of Bihar.
ग्रामीण सूची में अपना नाम देखे 1.6
Viss Peram
View beneficiary persons of rural area under pradhan mantriawasyojana.